
Aquaculture Laboratory

In the Andalusian Center for Marine High Education at the Puerto Real Campus in the University of Cadiz are available Aquaculture plant. This plant presents 900

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Aula del mar

In November 2015 opened in the basement of Building of Mathematics at the University of Granada the Aula del Mar. This infrastructure is one of

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Other international networks

CEI·MAR has participated int different research networks, since its origin, sported in the experience and activities originated  by the participation of its researchers and institutions. This

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Marine Hydrographic Institute

The Marine Hydrographic Institute (IHM), located in Cadiz, is the Spanish state agency responsible for producing and maintaining cartography and nautical publications on the Spanish

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Otras redes internacionales

CEI·MAR cuenta ya desde su origen con la experiencia y las actividades originadas de la participación de sus investigadores e instituciones en estrategias supranacionales orientadas

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El 24 de enero de 2012 los representantes de los Campus de Excelencia Internacional de ámbito marino existentes en España, firmaban en Cádiz el convenio

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Salina La Esperanza

Las Salinas de La Esperanza abarcan una superficie de 369.000 m2 en pleno Parque Natural Bahía de Cádiz. Situadas en terreno de dominio público marítimo

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