Opened the I Course in Advanced Analytical Techniques for measuring Isotopes in Marine Environment

Organized by the International Campus of Excellence of the Sea, CEIMAR and Central Services Research Support of the UMA.

The International Campus of Excellence of the Sea, CEI-Sea and Central Services Research Support UMA (SCAI) jointly organized the First Course of University Extension in Advanced Analytical Techniques for measuring Isotopes in Marine Environment.

Its opening has been made by the Vice Chancellor for Research and Transfer of the University of Malaga, Teodomiro López Navarrete; the scientific director of CEI · Mar, Xavier Niell, and the coordinator of radioactive facilities of the University of Malaga, Sergio Cañete.

With the academic direction of Professor Xavier Niell, the course has teachers and researchers from the universities of Cantabria, Sevilla, the National Accelerator Centre (CNA), the Spanish Institute of Oceanography (IEO), and UMA.

The director of CEI · Mar explained the importance of this course for Campus within its program for teaching improvement and adaptation to the EHEA. That is why the course has a scholarship program, to cover part of the tuition fees, accommodation, travel and expenses incurred in attendance.

The course has been in great demand, but its practical content organizers have decided to shorten the number of places. The level of the students is very high, the vast majority doctors and graduates in biology, geology, environmental science and chemistry. Some have been like Malaspina and oceanographic expeditions in the Arctic. They come from Barcelona, Gerona, Jaén, Granada and Malaga.

The main objective of this course is to provide students with the knowledge and tools necessary for mastering advanced analytical techniques to measure isotopes in marine environment.

This is a unique course in Spain, because in the same jointly addressed the use of stable and radioactive isotopes for marine studies. This is possible thanks to the technical capacity of SCAI, which has a scientific class infrastructure with which the student will perform radiometric measurements.

Central Services Research Support (SCAI) is a center of the University of Málaga intended to provide scientific and technical support centralized and integrated, both different research groups of the UMA as public institutions and private companies form. The Campus del Mar has given an Advanced Primary Production Laboratory and Classroom teleteaching at the Centre, within its program scientific improvement and knowledge transfer.

Boletín de Noticias