Universities that are part of the International Campus of Excellence of the Sea, CEIMAR, are aware of our social responsibility for teaching and higher education institutions. Therefore, we have made over the last decade a major effort to improve our teaching quality, increasing the existing supply and the adaptation of teaching the European Higher Education Area (EHEA) in infrastructure, equipment and innovation educational methods.
CEIMAR Campus gives us an excellent opportunity to strengthen our qualifications in the marine environment and in our territorial context. We can face new challenges with more specialized titles, create new structures graduate, internationalize our teaching, and addressing inter-agency collaboration activities based on teleteaching technologies and virtual classrooms.
To achieve excellence in the strategic axis «Teaching improvement and adaptation to the EHEA» CEIMAR Campus proposes a set of programs and actions, of which the most important was the launch of the International School of Doctoral Studies EIDEMAR, a school that has been linked five doctoral programs highly specialized and specific master (link).
We are also working to strengthen and improve teaching quality in doctoral degrees, master’s degree and taught at the 7 Universities of the aggregation, through specific improvement programs among which are:
Strengthening program teaching quality
Program to international educational offer
Improvement program and teaching innovation
Physical adaptation program of educational spaces to the EHEA
Program for the promotion of international mobility
If you want to know the progress in each of these actions refer to the latest progress report CEIMAR Campus