Diversification and Biotechnology in Aquaculture

José Pedro Cañavate Hors
grupoagr246.ifapa@juntadeandalucia.es, josep.canavate@juntadeandalucia.es

Functional genomic applied to nutrition, immunology and development of marine aquaculture species.

Implementation of molecular markers for the traceability control in aquaculture, food and fishing management, such as in genetic improvement in farming species.

Farming, physiological and biochemical aspects of micro algae associated with their trophic value in aquaculture.

Improve the development of aquatic marine species by the conducting of bioactive compounds through the Micro and Nano encapsulation technology.

Marine farming species optimisation and innovation of aquatic systems.

Juvenile stages production of marine aquatic species of commercial interest.

Methods to prevent and diagnose illnesses in fishes.

Evaluation of aquatic coastal natural resources.

Management and farming of the natural populations of shellfish based in the carrying capacity of the ecosystems.

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