After the first qualifying scientific diver course at the University of Granada

The extensive professional program has been carried out in Herradura, thanks to the collaboration of the Deputy Mayor of La Herradura and based in the Dive Center Openwater Horseshoe

This weekend has completed the first course of scientific diver who has been held at the University of Granada, as professional graduate training.

Organized from the Mediterranean Center of the University of Granada, and directed by Dr. Felix Hidalgo Puertas and Juan Diego Lopez Arquillo, the more than 100 hours of teaching and practices they have allowed students to train as scientific divers and qualify for participation in various projects underwater research in the fields of biology, environmental sciences and archeology.

Taught by professional bodies responsible for underwater research and heritage protection, as professors from different university departments at the University of Granada, the Centre for Underwater Archaeology, the Diving Center of the Navy and the Panel of Underwater Activities the Civil Guard, has also had the instructor of instructors Fernando Orri, the Aquatours, responsible for developing a degree of international recognition of the professional Association of diving instructors, PADI, also included in the course, central and involving internationalization of education provided.

During the course of ten weekends duration distributed between April and June, have been included 20 dives and practices, and students have theoretical and practical training in applied oceanography, hyperbaric medicine, planning and safety, equipment maintenance, decompression , self-rescue, deep dive, marking, bathymetry, surveys, sampling, underwater photography and conservation techniques.

The course, despite its attractive and professional development options, has yet to be limited to 12 attendees per requirements of safety standards, which have greatly helped members of the University Diving Club of the University of Granada, also collaborator, and especially the environmentalist Marta Valverde, course coordinator.

The extensive professional program has been carried out in Herradura, thanks to the collaboration of the Deputy Mayor of La Herradura and based in the Dive Center Openwater the Horseshoe.

In short, a comprehensive training program at the graduate level, thanks to the involvement of many institutions, has placed the waters of Herradura as a reference in Spain for training in this demanding field; because only three Spanish universities can access this type of training; so it will be held again in each academic year.

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