The Marine Hydrographic Institute (IHM), located in Cadiz, is the Spanish state agency responsible for producing and maintaining cartography and nautical publications on the Spanish coast and other places of interest to sailors. Its mission is to ensure the safety of navigation in the aspects of obtaining and disseminating information about the sea and the coastline and contribute to the progress of nautical science.
Its tasks including conducting hydrographic surveys and studies of the undersea relief and the systematic observation and study of tides and currents, temperature and electromagnetic and acoustic propagation in waters, meteorology, and in general all those physical phenomena that affect navigation. It represents Spain in the International Hydrographic Organization (IHO), the Committee on Hydrographic Requirements of Information Systems (CHRIS), the Committee for the Establishment of a Global Database for the Electronic Navigational Chart (WEND) and is the Coordinator of Warnings for Mariners in the Mediterranean and Black Sea (NAVAREA III). It also represents the Navy in the International Maritime Organization (IMO) in its relations with the Safety in Navigation and the International Boundary Commission with France and Portugal.