Seal of Excellence CEI·MAR

The eventual incorporation under various formulas, new institutions Campus of Excellence involves not only an indispensable strategy CEI·MAR but also and above all a guarantee that the Campus of Excellence enriches its own formulation providing all social environments and business experiences that it generates, and in turn enriched with other national and international institutions, contributing to the high specialization of the Campus.

Under these assumptions, the Seal Badge of Excellence CEI·MAR born with the aim of distinguishing institutions, national and international, public and private, committed to the goals, mission and vision of CEI·MAR and able to contribute, through of the opportunities offered by the campus of International Excellence of the Sea, to the strengthening of CEI·MAR; while adding to their own activities involved recognition advertise consideration as reference institution for the Campus of Excellence.

Its purpose is to become a certified reference both nationally and internationally, to strengthen the recognition of institutions committed to teaching, research, transfer and innovation in the marine and maritime fields. To this end, the identification of the institution with CEI·MAR is articulated, favoring their incorporation into the activities of the Campus and institutions that compose it and making participant in the aggregation model designed CEI·MAR.

In turn, the Seal Badge of Excellence CEI·MAR should be seen as an opportunity for the institutions that obtain. The performance of an institution under this award will, in the first instance, in priority access to relationships and the opportunities offered by the Campus and all the entities that comprise conditions. In addition, the seal will help to promote and strengthen the image of the distinguished institution, identifying it as an institution recognized by CEI·MAR and thus, as an innovative institution, research and outstanding training concerning the business transfer and model of social commitment. Under the Campus of Excellence, these institutions find a qualified scenario in which promote cooperation between universities and companies, facilitating the establishment of strategic alliances in the areas of R & D + i and social projection. Where appropriate, they can also participate and benefit from access to new funding sources, public and private, which are managed by a number of entities involved in the Campus. Finally, the dissemination of the results of their own activity under the Campus of Excellence, using the image of distinction offered by the Seal Badge of Excellence CEI·MAR help improve its position in its own areas of action, presenting the image of an institution committed to the purposes of training, research, innovation and transfer, committed to their social environment, which define the model of Campus of Excellence responds CEI·MAR.

Management Protocol hallmark of excellence

– Ambit. two categories seal, depending on the variety and intensity of the relations that the applicant institution maintains with some of the institutions that make up the aggregation, with collaboration systems established between themselves or with those established established ad hoc for the development of joint activities or projects

Reference Institution seal CEI·MAR, representing the highest degree of collaboration and recognition of the applicant institution or any of the centers or units that compose it.

Seal collaborator CEI·MAR, which represents a level of intense collaboration collaborative institution but with fewer items

– Requirements definition (items) for obtaining seals.

Collaborating Institution: Maintaining stable and strong relationships with some of the institutions involved as promoters entities CEI·MAR in at least two of the following items and two of the fields (academic nature, research, transfer or innovation) They indicated.

Reference Institution: Maintaining stable relationships with some of the institutions involved as promoters CEI·MAR institutions in at least three fields (academic nature, research, transfer or innovation) indicated.

– Assessable Items


consolidated joint participation in the delivery of official titles, for any of the two institutions, level degree, master’s or doctoral training;

joint participation in the delivery of specialized (or equivalent) own titles, specifically designed to meet qualified training;

existence of consolidated mobility of students and / or teachers to the qualifications of the two institutions actions;

agreements and specific agreements between institutions for the mobility of students in grade levels, master (with reservations and travel commitments) or doctoral training (co-management agreements and joint supervision of doctoral theses);


consolidated joint research projects of any nature and scope, competitive or not, and with sufficient intensity to recognize the important role of institutions to the achievement of project results participation;

networking of research and financing of any nature and scope, which among other things allows the joint presentation of projects of any kind and indeed have been obtained;

financing joint research projects;

joint financing of predoctoral and postdoctoral contracts;

joint calls for annual funding of mobility grants doctoral students;

funding of short stays for conducting training activities in doctoral schools;


any research and / or innovation also assume agreements for the transfer of results to the business sector.

the commitment to development activities and joint university-industry jobs, using formulas specific collaboration, as external or chairs like.


joint financing of projects of educational innovation.

joint financing of projects of technological and business innovation.

– Processing of granting the hallmark CEI·MAR. Memory proposing the recognition of an institution with the hallmark CEI·MAR will be processed before the Board (where appropriate, to the executive committee), for evaluation. The report should contain sufficient detail:

an adequate presentation of the applicant institution, indicating if any of the centers that integrate it.

the ends of the relationship between the applicant institution and the CEI·MAR or the Campus of Excellence own institution, stating the indicators to their valuation; the activities planned for the future;

possible frameworks for cooperation with other institutions CEI·MAR, if applicable.

Regime of the recognized institutions.

the use of the logo of CEI·MAR activities for own actions Campus is authorized, expressing the status of their relationship with CEI·MAR. The institution can identify in your corporate advertising (web pages, etc.) their relationship with CEI·MAR

Given the possibility doubts arise about the opportunity to use the logo in any activity, solve the executive committee of CEI·MAR

The institution or its centers and units will have a plate, standard format, to identify “associates” dependencies CEI ·

The annual report of the Campus of Excellence CEI·MAR will express mention of the institution and the activities carried out jointly, highlighting the value thereof.

The distinction reference institution is granted for a period of 5 years, renewable previous report and assessment by the Executive Committee of CEI·MAR the distinction of collaborating institution is granted for a period of three years.

The distinction represents the academic commitment to strengthen relations with the CEI·MAR and institutions that comprise it, consolidating relations already established

Seal Award reference entity can lead an institution recognized seal of collaborating centers or units which constitute, in the terms in which provides the display memory of the applicant institution entity.