Horizon 2020


CEI·MAR carries out an important work to foster R&D within the frame of HORIZON 2020 (H2020), especially in the area of Societal Challenges for being the European program that sets the tone for undertaking collaboration projects with companies, where research and transfer are inextricably linked.

Thus, due to the great relevance of these programs, the aggregation has paid special attention to H2020 and to other European programs such as Life+ or Interreg, a program for territorial cooperation. In 2014, CEI·MAR, following the initiative of its Presidency, signed an agreement with the Presidential Council (Regional Government of Andalusia). As a result, the aggregation has a delegation office in Brussels as a mean to keep on promoting the participation in European Projects.

Moreover, between 2014 and 2015, another three international project officers specialists were added to the European Project Team (2 for the University of Cadiz-UCA and 1 for the University of Huelva-UHU) and another one for the Delegation Office of CEI·MARin Brussels. These professionals hold meetings with researchers and companies to articulate proposals according to the different calls. Furthermore, they also channel the information and advise researchers. In 2016, another 2 specialist has been added to the staff of the CEI·MAR Foundation.

Some great Initiatives within the frame of H2020 are JTI Bio-based Industries (BBI), PPPs Sustainable Process Industry SPIRE. Besides, since its inception in 2015, we are part of the initiative PPP Vessels for the Future (VftF) and we also foster the Blue Growth Initiative. Our participation in these partnerships is the key core of the strategy of the different institutions that form the aggregation in order to improve the rate of success in obtaining European project in H2020.

As a result of this work, during the period 2012 up to June 2016, many European projects presented by the aggregation, within the frame of the different calls and programs, have been approved. For further details, please click on the link.