Entrepreneurship and Employability


Entrepreneurship and innovation have strong connections. We are facing a permanent technology revolution with a high level of superposition, which makes very important having an integration between them under a same finality. With this framework, the early identification of emergent technologies which have a meaningful value and impact in navigation and other marine and naval fields is a major interest and its translation to new business niche and the improvement of its competitiveness in other aims from CEI·MAR.

Therefore, it is our interest preselecting initiatives and projects in an initial phase to provide entrepreneurs with help and support to get them consolidated as new technological startups and spin offs.

image005The knowledge of opportunities in the creation of business related to the sea come from the direct activities of transference technicians from the institutions which form CEI·MAR and the initiative promoters, such as the development of celebrations and actions created for the dissemination of innovation opportunities detected in the Blue Economy. With the aim of promoting the creations of new business in this economic field, CEI·MAR acts in three different lines: promoting, training and supporting the marine maritime entrepreneurship.

In addition to the specific programs of each university for the entrepreneurship promoting, in 2013 was created an own plan of entrepreneurship self-push, training and supporting: atrÉBT! CEI·MAR, which takes in count an award call in two modalities: “Business Ideas” and “Business Projects” in the marine-maritime field, such as a specific period of a necessary training and advice for the start-ups.

The regular entrepreneurship training for researchers, students and former students is made by each university according to their strategies, planning, material and human resources. For that, the specific departments, sections or structures of each university, like the Transference Office of Research Results, which are able to push and create university Spin Offs and other entrepreneur unities from different universities which push the start-ups among their students:

– UAL: cms.ual.es/UAL/universidad/serviciosgenerales/otri

– UAlg: https://www.ualg.pt/pt/content/uaic

– UCA:http://www.uca.es/vrteit/portal.do?IDM=73&NM=2 y  uca.es/emprendedores

– UHU: clubemprendedoresuhu.blogspot.com.es

– UGR: cpep.ugr.es/pages/servicios_universitarios/autoempleo_y_cultura_emprendedora

– UMA: uma.es/cms/menu/servicios-generales/empleo-y-orientacion-profesional

The support to the entrepreneur is extended to the business idea analysis, the counselling, legal and commercial advice, which are canalised by offices and services of every university named before.

Last years, entrepreneur programmes and awards have proliferated, without any coordination, which do not act in an efficient way in the group of potential entrepreneurs. This circumstance makes CEI·MARpush a programme coordinated with other entities that allow to increase the effect of our activity.


Along with the Official School of Naval and Oceanic Engineers (COIN), a project about the creation of a vertical ecosystem of maritime entrepreneurship has been developed. This project is linked to the Blue Growth politics and the opportunities to the maritime sector that appear in the Blue Economy big areas, especially the emergent sectors such as Cruising Tourism, Offshore Aeolic Energy, the vigilance and the marine monitoring and de Aquatic Marine Products. It is linked to other sectors too, which are in a first phase but with an important potential, creating opportunities in the Oceanic Renewable Energies or in the Blue Biotechnology. This provides of favourable conditions because of the directives for the new industrial European politics and the new industrial Spanish agenda.

This ecosystem favours the generation of innovation, the attraction of capital and talent to encourage the creation of new disruptive innovation projects formalised as start-ups with the aim of: stablishing an open innovation diagram in the maritime sector, encourage the creation and development of innovating business in their seed capital phase with the Business Angels “Océano Azul” network, attracting private capital that proceeds from the most representative maritime business and offering to the no-maritime investors the opportunity of diversify their investment activities in Blue Economy start-ups.


The Campus universities, which are committed with the future of its students, are stablishing actions, conferences, offices, workshops, internships, etc. that make easier the information and training to the students about their future employability and their incorporation in the labour market. This job is annually made by every university according their strategies and material and human resources. The responsible unities are:

UAL: http://cms.ual.es/UAL/universidad/serviciosgenerales/empleo/index.htm

UAlg: http://emprego.ualg.pt/procurar-trabalho-emprego/canal/4171/canal_destacado/0

UCA: http://www.uca.es/vrteit/practicas-en-empresas

UGR: http://cpep.ugr.es/

UHU: http://www.uhu.es/soipea/

UMA: http://www.uma.es/cms/base/ver/collection/collection/62721/practicas-empleo-y-orientacion/

In addition, CEI·MAR has designed and made work a virtual notice board with news related to calls and work offers. A remarkable activity is the periodical generation of individual news with the title “CEI·MAR employability”, spread by the social networks Facebook and Twitter of this Campus and the creation of an specific space of employability news in October 2013.  Click here.