CEI·MAR is centered in the creation of clusters of sectors of economic interest for the South Region form by the Iberian Peninsula and the North of Morocco. This is one of the most important actions undertaken by the strategic axis of the Scientific improvement and knowledge transfer.
In order to establish collaboration in the transfer of research for business innovation, CEI·MAR has intensively worked with business associations, large companies, SMEs, technological centers and Port Authorities to set up, what we have called ”The Platform for the Blue Growth”. This initiative served as an instrument to identify opportunities in innovation, employment and economic growth around specific topics. To those, the direct implication in the coordination and constitution of the following:
The Naval Maritime Cluster of the Province of Cadiz
The Naval Maritime Cluster of Cadiz is promoted by the Agency IDEA, CEI·MAR participates actively in it boosting R&D among the cluster. So far, eight work meeting have been held to set up said cluster and to define the first set of actions. CEI·MAR representation in this cluster corresponds to the president of the Transfer Interinstitutional Commission.
Clúster para el desarrollo de energías renovables marinas
A iniciativa de CEI·MAR, se configuró un núcleo de empresas con la finalidad de definir un gran proyecto tecnológico en este ámbito, centrado en el desarrollo de tecnologías en aguas profundas, con influencia directa en la transformación y diversificación de negocio del sector industrial andaluz. Para la determinación de este consorcio se realizaron múltiples reuniones con diversos actores empresariales y tecnológicos interesados, con la idea de determinar un proyecto de desarrollo territorial para Andalucía, en toda la cadena de valor, a medio plazo. Esta iniciativa se ha impulsado con la incorporación de ENDESA al patronato de Fundación CEI·MAR, que será la empresa que liderará las líneas de actuación de CEI·MAR en este terreno.
Cluster for the Promotion of the Renewal Marine Energies
As above mentioned, thanks to the initiative of CEI·MAR, we are forming a consortium on renewal marine energies to set up a project in this field, concerning the development of technologies in deep waters, with a direct influence in the transformation and business diversification of the industrial sector in Andalusia.For building this consortium, a series of meetings have been held with different companies in order to present the idea for a mid-term territorial development project in Andalusia, affecting the whole chain value. This initiative has generated the presence of ENDESA in the foundation CEI·MAR. This company will be the leader in this field in this international campus.
Salt Pans Cluster
From the innovation Project Identification Of Opportunities In The Technological And Innovation Field For The Re-Industrialization Of The Bahia De Cadiz, led by TECNALIA in which the aggregation took part with a interdisciplinary group of 20 researchers, under the institutional coordination of the president of the Transfer Interinstitutional Commission. In 5th march 2015 the Blue Economy Cluster “Mar de Cádiz, was constituted with different companies. CEI·MAR participate as a collaborative associate.