
The Campus universities, which are committed with the future of its students, are stablishing actions, conferences, offices, workshops, internships, etc. that make easier the information and training to the students about their future employability and their incorporation in the labour market. This job is annually made by every university according their strategies and material and human resources. The responsible unities are:

UAL: http://cms.ual.es/UAL/universidad/serviciosgenerales/empleo/index.htm

UAlg: http://emprego.ualg.pt/procurar-trabalho-emprego/canal/4171/canal_destacado/0

UCA: http://www.uca.es/vrteit/practicas-en-empresas

UGR: http://cpep.ugr.es/

UHU: http://www.uhu.es/soipea/

UMA: http://www.uma.es/cms/base/ver/collection/collection/62721/practicas-empleo-y-orientacion/

In addition, CEI·MAR has designed and made work a virtual notice board with news related to calls and work offers. A remarkable activity is the periodical generation of individual news with the title “CEI·MAR employability”, spread by the social networks Facebook and Twitter of this Campus and the creation of an specific space of employability news in October 2013.  Click here.