Advanced primary production laboratory

The advanced primary production laboratory is a new research facility for the measurement and estimation of primary production in marine systems, located on the second floor of the Central Services Research Support (SCAI), on the campus of Teatinos in the University Malaga. This is a pioneering system that counts the UMA-driven initiative and funds CEI·MAR.

Among the major advances that have incorporated the new Advanced Laboratory are a growth chamber for live elements, a  cytometer that measures the flow parameters and top quality an inverted microscope. It also has a useful faucet with seawater that facilitate conducting experiments. Overall it is a pointer lab in theme and has involved a cost in infrastructure of around 150,000 euros.

This advanced primary production laboratory was inaugurated in March 2015 and is a space for research and promotion of sea studies at the University of Malaga. On the other hand is an important training area from which you can perform specialized courses related to issues of primary production.

During this last year he has worked four research groups of AMU who have followed a line of independent study each, but focused on marine ecosystems. Thus, teams of Ecology, Plant Physiology, Microbiology and Physics have developed their research work on projects related to photobiology, as well as mechanisms incorporating inorganic carbon in aquatic plants. It is also expected that in the coming months will be used by staff from the nearby Spanish Institute of Oceanography.