International agreements

CEI·MAR has signed numerous agreements of collaboration with numerous international prestigious institutions. In the following lines the institutions that have signed agreements of various kinds with the aim of increasing internationalization of teaching, research and transfer are described.

European Higher Education Area.

The natural environment of more direct action CEI·MAR is the EEES. For that reason, CEI·MAR has focused an important part of its activities to become a recognized player within the EEES and European programs (Erasmus + and H2020). To this end, once set up the CEI·MAR Foundation as an instrument of governance Campus, from the Foundation have undertaken various actions aimed at achieving various projects of internationalization of research activity. Below are listed in Table format, bilateral agreements Erasmus + KA103 specifically signed by CEI·MAR July 2016 to date.

Programm Country University
KA103 France Universitéde Toulon
Holand RadboudUniversity, Nijmegen
Italy UniversitádegliStudide Ferrara
Letonia LatvianMaritimeAcademy
Poland AkademiaGórniczo-Hutnicza
Portugal Universidad do Algarve
Portugal Universidad Lusófonade Humanidades e Tecnológica
Portugal Universidad do Tras-os-Montes e Alto Douro
France(1) Universitéde Lille
France(1) UniversiteBretagneSub
Holand(1) Delta Academy, HZ Universityof AppliedSciences
Italy(1) UniversitàdegliStudidi Palermo

These agreements are the first stage in the strategy of building a network of scientific and academic alliances within Europe specifically for the Campus of Excellence, to expand and consolidate bilateral relations that each university has already with a broader perspective Campus. The mobility of these agreements special emphasis on doctoral students and faculty without discarding grade- students as a basis for scientific cooperation through doctoral theses in co-direction, as a first step towards other collaborative projects higher intensity.

Latin American Knowledge (EILAC).

During this time, CEI·MAR has strengthened the network of alliances that previously, and bilaterally, had the participating universities and has established new agreements that have allowed him to promote mobility between both sides of the Atlantic. CEI·MAR has worked particularly intensively with those prestigious universities worldwide and those countries that have made the promotion of higher education through scholarship programs of international mobility, an axis of its educational policy. In this regard it is noteworthy agreements reached with universities and public in Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador and Mexico.

In particular, the actions taken as priority concerning countries and networks that are listed below

Consolidation of network IBERMAR

The IBERMAR network is one of the most widespread and consolidated scientific networks in Latin America. Born at the University of Cádiz, prior to the creation of the Campus of Excellence thanks to a project CYTED in 2007, it is integrated into IBERMAR CEI·MAR after creation; thanks to its contacts and activity, has allowed collaboration with CEI·MAR universities throughout Latin America, Portugal and Spain, integrated in said network.

Part of the IBERMAR network 46 universities and institutions from 17 countries (Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Chile, Ecuador, Spain, Honduras, Mexico, Panama, Peru, Portugal, Puerto Rico, Dominican Republic, Uruguay and Venezuela ), and it is focused on coastal management and integrated coastal area management. The coordination of the network has recently gone from the University of Cadiz to the Federal University of Santa Catarina, in Brazil, also reference partner of CEI·MAR thanks to this network and strong relationships that keeps research and mobility researchers mainly with the University of Cadiz. Thanks to all this activity has allowed IBERMAR and facilitates contact between partners and mobility, especially in the field of master’s and doctorate.

Country Universities Country Universities Country Universities
Argentina 4 Ecuador 3 Puerto Rico 1
Brasil 7 España 2 Rep. Dominic. 1
Colombia 8 Honduras 1 Uruguay 2
Costa Rica 2 México 4 Venezuela 1
Cuba 6 Panamá 1
Chile 2 Portugal 1

National Autonomous University of Mexico, UNAM. The UNAM is one of the few Latin American universities that are among the first in the ranking of Shanghai. His international reputation, the community of language, the intensity of business relations with integrated CEI · MAR universities and targeted collaboration on own goals Campus of Excellence has allowed us to recognize and distinguish UNAM as the first institution worthy Seal of Excellence CEI·MAR , which recognizes it as reference entity. The UNAM has signed cooperation framework with CEI·MAR as well as specific agreements with the Institute of Limnology, UNAM and the Institute of Linguistics for collaboration in the fields of research, mobility (mainly postgraduate), co-direction doctoral theses and double degree agreements masters in the areas of Aquaculture, Oceanography and Underwater Archaeology and History and Maritime. The Erasmus + KA107 project has already mobilities of teachers in thematic CEI·MAR in the area of marine renewable energy. The agreements reached with the UNAM expect the flow of students in both directions in an organized start this course in 2016-2017, with stays of doctoral students funded both through own programs of institutions such as external financing ( AUIP, CONACYT, etc.).

Oceanographic Institute of the Navy of Ecuador (INOCAR). CEI·MAR has reached an agreement endorsed by the corresponding agreement to train officers of the Navy of Ecuador in Masters degrees and doctorates linked to EIDEMAR and CEI·MAR as well as for conducting courses and joint projects investigation. In the framework of this agreement, signed in 2015, currently four officers are currently pursuing Masters in Integrated Management of Coastal Areas, Acoustic Engineering and Port and Logistics Management at the University of Cádiz, and a fifth officer is doing his doctoral thesis in the program Management and Conservation of Sea EIDEMAR. Also, within the activities of this agreement, CEI·MAR and INOCAR have taught together at the Third International Summer School of CEI·MAR a specialization course entitled “Oceanography applied and integrated coastal areas in the environment of Galapagos management” . The course has been taught in the Galapagos Islands (Ecuador) and he attended Navy Officers Ecuador, Ecuadorian Universities teachers, students of master and doctoral the UCA and personnel Galapagos Charles Darwin Station. The course is complemented by a seminar of two days in INOCAR facilities in Guayaquil, led directly to Navy officials.

Ministry of Science, Technology and Productive Innovation of Argentina. Cooperation agreement to collaborate in the development of the “Blue Pampa” project of Argentina, both in scientific cooperation projects, and training activities aimed especially at the graduate (master’s and doctoral graduate school with EIDEMAR). performances are specifically mentioned in the field of oceanography, biodiversity conservation, climate change and its effects, management Sea, ocean resources, control and quality of water resources, biotechnology and aquaculture, legal regime of the sea and exploiting its resources.

Argentina. In addition to the aforementioned agreement with the Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation, it has established an agreement between SEPIE (Service for Internationalization of Education MECD) and the UCA for the implementation of scholarships for master Becas.Arg Government Argentina, which specifically referred to the Masters degrees in the areas of Marine Sciences

Brazil. University of Rio Grande do Sul (Marco, Federal University of Santa Catarina (Marco, student mobility, joint supervision of doctoral thesis), State University of Santa Catarina (frame and student mobility). The Federal University of Santa Catarina is now the rotating seat of the IBERMAR network and through existing agreements are underway doctoral thesis co-direction. on the other hand, and through the Science Without Borders program, there are currently three Brazilian PhD students doing thesis in programs of the doctoral school EIDEMAR, being remarkable that one of them is performing at the Spanish Institute of Oceanography (IEO) through a program of the doctoral school.

Colombia. Universidad del Magdalena (framework agreement), University of Cartagena (framework and Co-supervision of Doctoral Thesis); University of Antioquia (Marco and the development of a Master in Economics and Territorial Development and subsequent coordination through a double degree agreement); Coast University (frame, student mobility and reciprocal rate); Simon Bolivar University (Convention for the training of doctors in cooperation with the Ibero-American University Association of Graduate -AUIP-)

Chile. University of Valparaiso (mobility and exchange of students), mainly directed to the area of aquaculture and oceanography; UCN, specific research and collaboration with EIDEMAR doctorate in the field of aquaculture;

Ecuador. Oceanographic Institute of the Navy of Ecuador -INOCAR- (already mentioned); Eloy Alfaro Lay University of Manabi (frame, student mobility, reciprocity fee, Convention for the training of doctors in cooperation with the AUIP); Army Polytechnic School (Framework Convention for the training of doctors in cooperation with the AUIP), etc.

Guatemala. San Carlos de Guatemala University (Framework Agreement), which is also the largest university in the country (200,000 students), the only public university and also participates in the drafting of laws concerning the regulation of Higher Education.

Mexico. In the same way that has singled out the case of the UNAM, CEI·MAR has signed through the UCA agreements framework cooperation or specific to various Mexican universities: Autonomous University of Baja California (Marco, student mobility, Autonomous University of Campeche (Marco), University of Sinaloa (framework Convention, student mobility and Reciprocity Rate Masters and PhD), University of Colima (frame, mobility of students and Co-supervision of thesis, initially in the area of volcanology, seismic and mathematical modeling); Autonomous University of Campeche, with the specific inclusion of the Institute of Ecology, Fisheries and Oceanography Gulf of Mexico -EPOMEX-.

North of Africa.

The presence of the University AbdelMalek Essadi as a founding partner of CEI·MAR, the transboundary nature of the campus and the neighborhood through the Strait of Gibraltar and North Africa, has made CEI·MAR, besides its strategic commitment to consolidate its relations in Europe and Latin America, have begun to build new bridges with this part of Africa, selecting for this purpose preferably Morocco ally economically EU and with strong links to the Andalusian Universities country and Algeria, for reasons similar order . In this case, Algeria is conducting a policy of strong support for higher education and international mobility, while Algerian universities are trying to diversify their traditional alliances with French and francophone universities to other areas of Europe. In this regard, the submission and approval by the EU through SEPIE, two separate Erasmus + KA107 projects in 2015 and 2016 (see below) has led to the establishment of a fledgling network in these countries by signing bilateral agreements Erasmus + for the execution of the project.

Table. Erasmus + KA103 bilateral agreements specifically signed by CEI·MAR July 2016 to date.

Program Country University
KA107 Argelia Université20 Aôut– Skikda
Argelia Universitéd’Oran
Marruecos Universidad AbdelMalekEssâdi
Marruecos UniversitéInternationalede Rabat
Marruecos(1) Institut des Sciences de l’Archeólogieet du Patrimoine


Relations with US they develop and settling more slowly, given the traditional difficulty of reaching specific agreements of collaboration with universities, particularly in order to manage student mobility. However, at present there are agreements signed with the University of Massachusetts in Boston (UMass) and the University of Southern Mississippi, another agreement also still in negotiations with DePaul University in Chicago (particularly directed to the areas of chemistry and aquaculture) and the University of Southern California in Los Angeles. Both agreements provide for the mobility of students and teachers and, as discussed below, have crystallized in the request for international mobility programs, participation in the International Summer School or student mobility in both directions. From the University of Southern California it has shown interest in sharing UCADIZ for sampling vessel in the Strait of Gibraltar. The general coordinator of CEI·MAR has planned a meeting in Los Angeles with officials of the USC and UCLA in the next October.


Russian universities have become an ally of CEI·MAR qualified by the scope of the projects that they are undertaking or will undertake according to the schedule established with some universities. The consolidated with universities in Russia relationship is primarily initiated through Aula Hispanic-Russian University of the University of Cadiz, which for years has established a close relationship with some universities in the area and the post-Soviet space both issues of languages and Golds specifically related specialties Campus of Excellence. Currently, these academic relations have been consolidated on two fronts, being especially intense in field research and mobility of teachers and master students and doctoral specialties CEI·MAR. Russian institutions that have signed cooperation agreements and, in some cases, also signed letters of support to the initial proposal of CEI·MAR filed in 2011 are the Southern Federal University, the Federal University of Siberia, the Hydrometeorological University of St. Petersburg and the Institute of Oceanology of the Russian Academy of Sciences. In all cases, framework agreements and / or letters of support for the initial project lead rigged actions on dual Masters degrees, co-conservatorship doctoral theses, Erasmus + mobility projects and research and development projects ..

Other geographic areas.

At the request of teachers who conduct research in the archipelago of Cape Verde in the area of marine zoology (malacología) it has signed a collaboration agreement with the University of Cape Verde that formalizes and allow expansion of research activities there already they performed.