Laboratories / Technological Units

The CEI·MAR Campus has several different laboratories and technological units, including the following:

The Marine Classroom

The use of boats is an essential element in quality teaching, research and transfer. The UCA, UHU, ICMAN-CSIC, IEO and IHM have small and medium length boats, an remotely operated underwater vehicle (ROV) and ROV navigation and operation simulators. These resources, together with others that CEI·MAR may incorporate in the future, will constitute the Marine Classroom. This Classroom will consist of a collection of boats, equipment, activities and human, material and financial resources aimed at facilitating the use by the different CEI·MAR members of all types of vessels for teaching, research and transfer.
Although this unit has its own vessel management system, the UCA Centralised Boat Service will remain available to CEI·MAR

Marine Crops Laboratory (UCA)

The UCA has a 900 m2 mariculture facility devoted to the breeding, supply and use of experimental animals, which also coordinates and manages teaching, research and transfer activities related to the field of aquaculture. At present, this facility has Quality Management, R&D&i, Environment and List of Services accreditation in accordance with different Spanish UNE standards.

Environmental Hydraulics Experimentation Laboratory (UGR)

Consisting of a wave flume, this recently built laboratory located in existing CEI·MAR teaching facilities is used for teaching on engineering and hydraulics courses at the UCA and UGR, and for collaboration and consultancy with public and private sector companies.

Experimental Underwater Coastal Laboratory

Consisting of a series of submerged rigid structures, this laboratory is used to study the in situ corrosive effect of seawater on materials, to develop new techniques for the study of underwater archaeology and for mooring oceanographic data collection equipment. The laboratory is complemented by the CACYTMAR Scientific and Technical Diving Units.

Specialised Maritime Navigation Centre (UCA)

The Faculty of Nautical Sciences is an accredited teaching centre for professional qualifications and specialist maritime courses. In order to improve and enhance this teaching, the aim is to demarcate an area of the commercial dock at the Bay of Cadiz Port for use as a maritime navigation teaching infrastructure and to deliver specialist courses not currently available in Europe.