El Laboratorio de Investigación Marina (LABIMAR), ubicado en el Castillo de San Sebastián, acoge desde el pasado 30 de marzo y hasta el 28 de abril un nuevo ciclo de conferencias marinas INVESCERCA, organizado por los profesores María Gemma Albendin y José Antonio López de la Facultad de Ciencias del Mar y Ambientales de la […]

Laboratories / Technological Units

The CEI·MAR Campus has several different laboratories and technological units, including the following:   The Marine Classroom The use of boats is an essential element in quality teaching, research and transfer. The UCA, UHU, ICMAN-CSIC, IEO and IHM have small and medium length boats, an remotely operated underwater vehicle (ROV) and ROV navigation and operation simulators. […]

Central services

In addition to the CEI·MAR marine and environmental science research centres, there are also various Central Science, Technology, Research and Scientific Instrumentation Services. There are an agreement between CEI·MAR institutions in order to facilitate the use of this service to the whole community. CLICK HERE. UAL Central Research Service The Central Research Service at the University of […]