In addition to the centres housing CEI·MAR member faculties and research centres, where important Campus research activities are conducted, there are several other research centres specialising in marine and environmental sciences throughout CEI·MAR‘s regional scope. These include:
The Andalusian Centre for Marine Science and Technology (CACYTMAR)
The Andalusian Centre for Marine Science and Technology is a joint project between the University of Cadiz and the Andalusian Regional Government. It was launched in 1999 as part of a programme for the creation of regional specialist research centres linked to the university, with the aim of unifying and linking the various institutions working in the field of marine science and technology in Andalusia.
The International Centre for Ecological and Environmental Studies and Conferences (CIECEM)
The International Centre for Ecological and Environmental Studies and Conferences is an Andalusian Research Plan Centre forming part of the University of Huelva. At present, the CIECEM is a University of Huelva institution which promotes scientific research and the transfer and dissemination of research results. It provides specialised scientific services and is currently expanding its technical and research capacity and productivity.
The Marine and Environmental Research Centre (CIMA), Portugal
The Marine and Environmental Research Centre was established in 1998 and brings together scientists from various fields of science and technology at the University of Algarve and other institutions. Its activities include delivery of advanced education at master’s and doctoral level, implementation of research projects and the provision of analysis and consulting services to the community. These activities are carried out on the premises of the Faculty of Marine and Environmental Sciences (FCMA) at the University of Algarve, and in the CIACOMAR Centre, Olhão.
The Marine Sciences Centre (CCMAR)
The CCMAR is a private scientific research unit attached to the University of Algarve. Together with the Interdisciplinary Centre for Marine and Environmental Research (CIIMAR) at the University of Porto, it constitutes the CIMAR, the largest marine sciences research unit in Portugal. This research centre focuses on two main areas: “Aquaculture and Biotechnology” and “Living Resources”.