Campus specialization in research is one of the strengths of CEI·MAR. CEI·MAR has more than 1,500 researchers who develop their research in the marine environment and adjacent coastal areas.
The geographical area where CEI·MAR is located at the confluence of the Mediterranean Sea and the Atlantic Ocean between Europe and Africa and as a gateway to America, is a privileged place for the development of marine and maritime research from a multi approach and trandisciplinar enclave.
To implement an improvement within the axis “Scientific Improvement and Transfer” and specifically in the research section within the campus of excellence Advanced Research Plan “reSEAarch” it was created
This plan has objective to strengthen and increase the quality and scientific productivity of researchers CEI·MAR, increase the international profile of research activities and increase its impact on the socio-economic fabric, streamlining the entire set of researchers and excellent facilities CEI·MAR. The main actions that have covered this plan are:
- Promotion of doctoral studies by implementing the EIDEMAR School. Information concerning Eidemar is in the teaching section. However in it and aim to increase the research results have framed a series of actions:
- Programs predoctoral contracts for conducting thesis in the field EIDEMAR. In this program both calls made directly by the campus itself as well as those made by the various universities of aggregation linked both to the campus as their themes are collected.
- Call for stays of pre-doctoral research centers worldwide reference in marine research for those predoctoral linked to EID
- Incentive program for research in international cooperation seeking to strengthen relations with researchers and institutions internationally through calls for above mobility and unique organization of congresses and workshops.
- Programs supporting research career CEI·MAR through financial aid either allow hiring senior doctors or help co-financing from other external line calls both in talent attraction.
- Postdoctoral program contracts in the field CEI·MAR where contracts have been convened associated with the main areas of interest identified in the campus.
- Program co-they funded aid the incorporation of researchers Marie Curie calls, Juan de la Cierva or Ramon y Cajal in the CEI · MAR centers.
- Research Awards CEI·MAR, which have recognized the contribution of the winners to the improvement and promotion of research activity in CEI·MAR and its sphere of influence. This action includes several ways:
- Awards research groups with a track record of excellence linked to the campus. For them it was recognized them by funding a post-doctoral contract also focused on attracting talent.
- Transfer Awards to recognize the best innovation ideas with groups of researchers linked to CEI·MAR.
- International networksThis power program organization and participation of institutions CEI·MAR thematic networks in teaching and research with the goal of greater connection, knowledge sharing and implementation of activities with researchers and teachers from other national and international regions.
At the national level has been created CEIMARNET Network, International Network of Teaching and Research Studies Mar. Made up of 14 universities and PROs Campus do Mar (which includes all the Galician universities and northern Portugal), Campus Mare Nostrum (formed by the universities of the Autonomous Community of Murcia), Campus Canary Atlantic-Tricontinental (comprising universities of the Canary Islands) and CEI·MAR (Andalusian universities with coastal, southern Portugal and northern Morocco and PROs). The Network acts as an advisory and consultative body of the campus, providing advice to the coordinators and the various committees of the CEI in the implementation of all its activities and in particular those which aim to promote the research, development, specialization and innovation in the areas of knowledge related to the sea and the transfer of knowledge to the productive sector.
In Europe, the consortium EUROMARINE, in which CEI·MAR has been registered. This is a new European network of Marine Sciences and is the result of the merger of three Networks of Excellence (EUROCEANS, Marine Genomics Europe and MarBEF) with the goal of being an organization of “bottom – up” to collect the concerns and ideas of the European marine scientific community.
In Iberoamerica, CEI·MAR has promoted the creation of the Network IBERMAR Integrated Coastal Management. Such Iberoamerican Network, initially sponsored by the Ibero-American Science and Technology for Development (CYTED) has more than 200 researchers and managers, divided into groups of 16 different countries. The Network promotes rapprochement between science and decision-making, reducing the gap between scientific knowledge and integrated management (ecological, socioeconomic and cultural) of coastal marine public affairs.
Infrastructure improvement and optimization of CEI·MAR
This program has optimized infrastructure for its suitability for the research potential of CEI·MAR. In this regard there have been various performances to create new facilities and enhance existing ones. Specifically, the following actions are proposed:
Creating an agreement sharing of infrastructure by the CEI·MAR promoters.
Applications for infrastructure, agreed with the other promoters, to competitive calls by the CEI · MAR institutions.
Laboratories and improving existing infrastructure within the CEI·MAR consortium.
Creating web platforms oceanographic data with interest to the Andalusian coastal waters such as GeoPortal IDE-IHM and the Observatory of the Strait.
Creating unique Laboratories, Services and Equipment Marine Research CEI·MAR.
UCADIZ conditioning vessel as oceanographic research vessel in the area of CEI·MAR
Monographs CEI·MAR
This program has enabled the creation of a casebook CEI·MAR. This collection covers the eminently scientific issues to a wide range of subjects related to the humanities through issues such as the bconomy.